run two instances of the analyser software

Posted: 13 years ago Quote

I want to compare two capture files.
Obviously such a feature is missing within the software.
It would help me a lot if I could start another instance of the software.
But that's not possible! What's the reason for this limitation?
I guess that you cannot handle two instances wanting to talk to one device. Right?
But I don't want to! I just want to compare two captures line by line.
Would it be possible to start a second instance with access to the 1480A being disabled?

Posted: 13 years ago Quote
The 1480A software currently only allows a single instance to be opened. The reason for this is that lots of temporary files are being created by each instance and having two instances would cause one instance to overwrite or otherwise interfere with the first instance's temp files. We therefore detect whether another instance is already running when starting the 1480A application.

We will look into an option where two instances can be run from two different directories. This requires that the 'app already running' check is bypassed via an option dialog. We'll try to get this into the next version that should be released in a day or two.
Posted: 13 years ago Quote
That would be great!
It's really tedious how I'm working at the moment:
Load one capture file, take a screenshot, load the second capture and compare it with the screenshot.
I'm dying for the new version to be released! :-)
Posted: 13 years ago Quote
For your information: The new release has been delayed a few days. We also want to put in improved data upload speed code. We expect the release to be mid-this week (around Mar 10).
Posted: 13 years ago Quote
Version 3.6.2 has now been released. It will allow you to run multiple instances of the 1480A application. Note that each instance must run in a separate directory due to various temp files that otherwise would be corrupt.

Version 3.6.2 is available on our download page.
Posted: 13 years ago Quote
just installed it... works as expected.
That will ease my work significantly.
Thank you!
Posted: 13 years ago Quote
Version 4.0.0 now allows multiple application instances to run from the installation directory. Each instance will create its own temp files under its %APPDATA% directory. You can find the APPDATA directory via the following environment variable (example shown for Windows XP, other Windows versions have other locations of the APPDATA directory):

APPDATA=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data

When started, the 1480A application will create the following directory to hold all temp files generated during execution:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\International Test Instruments\1480A USB Protocol Analyzer

Under the above directory, the 1480A software will create the 'Default Instance' directory for storing the temp files generated during data capture and parsing. In case more than one instance is run, subsequent instances will have their temp files created in randomly named directories.

Note that only the first instance run will be able to connect to the 1480A hardware. Later instances will show "USB Analyzer Disconnected".